General Classroom Information

Guidelines for Grading     
This year you will be able to track your child’s progress and check grades online.  Grades may not change on a weekly basis.

A          Advanced: Exceeds standards
P          Proficient: At grade level standard
PP        Partially Proficient: Approaching grade level standard
U          Unsatisfactory: Below grade level standard

Parent/Teacher Communication
          Every Wednesday all graded work will come home in the folder for you to review and discuss with your child.  Inside the folder will be a communication sheet, should you have any questions or comments.  At the beginning of each month I will send home a third grade newsletter.  If you have any concerns about your child’s progress or the third grade curriculum, please do not hesitate to call, email, or request a meeting with me.  In addition, I maintain this class website.  

          You are welcome to bring in treats for your student’s birthday, if this is something you would like to celebrate with the class.  Please try to provide healthy treats.

          Each class has a snack time included in the schedule.  Please make sure that this is a nutritious snack.  Please do not send canned drinks or any items that are overly messy.

Holiday parties are celebrated with the whole third grade.  If you sign up to bring something, you only need to bring enough for about 20 students (unless you would like to make enough for all 35 third graders).  There is a sign-up sheet on the back table.  Reminders will be sent home prior to the parties.

          If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom on a regular basis, I would love to have you! Help in a variety of capacities, from making copies, to reading with students, is welcomed.  Please let me know if you are willing to help.

          Parent/teacher conferences will be held October 26th and 27th. I will send home confirmation notices as we get closer to the date.